Friday, 25 November 2011

OT Hours Entry 1

Nov. 25 (Fri) - 7 pm  to midnight, Kid's Night (5 hours)
Nov. 26 (Sat) - 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm (4 hours)

So proud of myself!!

My tuition payment's showing up on my quest account. Balance: $0.00 Yes!
As of right now:  5/6 books for my classes posted, with 3/5 of those requiring actual textbooks totalling about $350. Yay, much less than I thought!! 

Also, my supervisor told me that if I log my overtime hours, I can use them to go home 2 days earlier on the Wednesday instead of Friday. I think she means the 20th, instead of the 22nd but I'm going to get out of here on the 14th instead of 16th. And that's what's happening! Hopefully we'll be able to go on the trip to Timmins from the 1st to 5th because they'll I'll have crazy overtime hours to use from the 18th to 22nd so I can still get paid for 2 weeks before Christmas. 

AND I'll be able to visit Montreal for about 4 to 6 days, and still have time to spend Christmas with the fams and have time to finish my work term report, update my resume and shop for some interview/work gear, general winter gear. LIFE IS GRAND!! 

P.S - I'm lucky this term and my direct supervisor is leaving on Monday to return in the new year, when I won't be here sooo I'm going to e-mail her my evaluation form which means I won't have to endure an awkward sitting at her desk while her fills it out and then asks me if there's anything I want to comment on/discuss. Boss, just give me the excellent/outstanding! Also, same thing with the work term report...I'll just e-mail it to her, she'll read it and fill out the evaluation form and scan and send back to me. That easy!!

Now, the only thing I got to figure out is my ride to the airport...and fitting everything into my luggage/carry on. 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

What I need for school:

- brand new shiny backback
- single burner (own personal stove! :)) CHECK
- microwave CHECK
- electric kettle CHECK
- mini fridge
- winter scarf


And with a couple clicks by the bankteller, nearly $3800 of my hard earned monies goes to institution of higher education, UofW. Man, that's it?

It feels good not having to ask my parents to help me pay my student tuition. No questions, no nothing - just me and one back transaction. Ever wonderful. Coop, I love you. ;)